24th january 2009
drew that myself (:
makes a change from scars, no?
today was totally FABULOUS!
well, not totally
the only drawbacks were the HOT WEATHER and my bloated stomach
can't stand it, the only thing that makes me eat more is the fact that i can't seem to get fat -.-
i have no idea why my grandmother says i'm thin
it's fit! LOL
i eat until very full, then see, WA, GOT BUTTER SQUID
chiong alot of squid down, then look at th mango prawns
ten minutes later i wna go home sleep alr
get home still must finish th bread meant for breakfast
or later stale
sian lah. wish i could have vomited it all out then ate more
this was the restaurant i went to...quite a famous restaurant, specialty dish BUTTER SQUID, mentioned just now
th butter squid was 9.5/10, just a little too tough
but it was delicious, as was th thai fried rice and prawnsjoel, mummy
left to right, top to bottom
uncle freddie, joel, benedict gu-gu(he changed his name) marcus, uncle eddie
justin, ME :D
this is th amt of food we ate...who's for lunch?
there were still about 4 dishes besides these
and these were just for the TEENS
adults had a lot lot lot more
about 1.5x of what we had
that means around 15 dishes?
even had our own personal room :D
that meant we could crap and shout and run around as much as we liked
i even took apart th stuff and played around with th microphones
but, no music i was familiar with
after we had th food, my family were camwhoring around the place
i couldn't join in as i was scarfing down the last few cereal prawns
i hate to waste food, esp if its meat
imagine dying for nothing
waste of good karma for th prawn
was selina ghim-ghim's b'day ytd
so we had a birthday celebration!i lit the candle! :DDD
opened up th sparkling juice and poured a little of it for everyone
gu-gu & ghim-ghim
i told him to look at my camera ._.
don't listen ah.
got out of that tiny restaurant, camwhored again
this time got alot jumpshots
but in my camera -.-
i'll transfer them once i digested my food
then we went back to catch a few z's, and went over to e!Hub for BOWLING~
god, tried to push my stud through, and my ear bled AGAIN
it really hurts now. next time during judo, idc how stupid i look with a black hole in my ear, i'm gna yank out all my studs and shove them into my bag
later kena infection, good game
end up i put my earring on also pain.
anyw, i really need to brush up on my skills
see my score -.-
not bad luh, at least i first amongst 9 people, HAHA
3 children & 6 adults, HAHA
adults as in 14+
first round only got 114
i wanted 120~
wth sia, my brother tell me, turkey i give you free icecream
no turkey, double nia
then he say, you get 138 i belanja you one drink
end up hit 7 pins down then longkao D:
applied for th nebo card there as i seem to spend 1/2 of my holidays at e!Hub or tampines safra
went home aftwards, twas veh hungry
yeah, i'm a greedy pig
ate th otah bread & roti boy from this morning, then my mum
dinner was salmon with prawn eggs & rice
aft th rice i was ready to pull th pin on my stomach and watch it go BOOM
i think i won't be eating for another two days
waste of all th delish CNY goodies sia! walao eh
anyw, i gtg bathe now, mum nagging
i'll be back soon!
take care! :D