Wednesday, May 20, 2009

'I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.'
Thomas Edison

i'll be quoting some stuff from books, shows and even web pages, just for today (:
to those who find it boring, sorry
i'm just killing time

'Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?'

definitely the latter.

'In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took
but how many moments took your breath away'

i've wasted 15 years of my life.

'the most important things aren't those which cost the most.
they're the ones which require the most sacrifice to obtain.'

what's the use of working hard and slaving away?
to earn money, while pollute the globe in the process?
i'd rather devote my time to helping animals
animals, not humans.
not a zookeeper. boredom kills.
not a trainer. they're dead cruel.
maybe... a conservationist?
or a naturalist, whatever.
if we really do enter a time of triage, by my point of view,
humans would, could, should be the first to disappear.

'those who take, but do not earn
must pay most dearly in their turn'

'past the hour, the prospect's black
too late, it's gone, it won't come back'

fans of HP and the 'philosopher's stone' & 'goblet of fire' should find these familiar

to start with the first one, i think it's quite true
take what you earn, and only what you earn.
any more than that, and that'll be greed.

the ten reasons why people die


greed can be avoided once, twice, three times, but no human is born without desire.
madness happens whenever we lose control
intoxication of the soul, by killing and being sadistic
destruction, obvious. maybe the most common way for people to die.
despair, depression, loss of confidence.
nihilism, the belif that nothing exists. an empty shell.
sacrifice is probably the most noble way to die

loneliness is the least common, but the most torturous.
rage, obvious. loss of control.
time (old age) can never be avoided. lost time can never be taken back.

k this was taken from Bleach

ah, now what?
if this was boring just tell me and i'll think of something else to post up.
sorry! i'm really feeling folorn at the moment.
a piece of good/bad news
zheng hou drop to band 4!
good for me. bad for him.
but look at junjie's reaction when he was posted to band 3
i rather get sent to band 3 than stay in band 4 to be honest.
but i really can't read chinese (sanskrit?)
what, i'm supposed to do some fcuking prep work? on the paper?
understand this, i don't want to drop to CL B
i don't want to disappoint my mum.
but that's all i'm capable of doing anyway.
if there's one thing i'm good at, it's pumping up my (and everyone else's) spirits

c'mon, bastard. you can do it.

& i was chosen to be 'mr how' in our class skit
guess 305 doesn't want me in their maths class ):

on the minus side,
- i'll probably laugh a lot, pause, then laugh some more while doing the skit.
- mr yeong will kill (strangle) me if i do one thing too well.
- the whole world will remember me as 'mr how' -.-

on the plus side,
- i'm a freaking good actor (but read minus point 2)
- i'm pretty confident i'm strong enough to crap up anyone who refers to me as 'mr how'

gotta work on me & aravin's chemistry poster. walao, he left me to do all the drawing.
name of our station,
cause our group's Chem 3
lucky :D

and i wanna work on the class tee as well!
chunyin & juexin are doing it too
this is what i meant by the most important things aren't those which cost the most.
no amount of money in the world can generate this 305 bond :x
i sound like a freaking wuss
k! i shutup alr.

before i go, one last quote.
'you brought nothing into this world, and we will ensure you bring nothing out.'


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