Friday, May 15, 2009

i'll leave the past in the past, where it will always be.

*i edited the top photo myself* (proud smile)
aaah, shit. a maths was NOT easy at all. in fact, it was difficult.
i'll probably owe daniel jacob & junhao one chicken rice each ):
i didn't have time to do all the questions, so... i kinda skipped most of them
anyw, here are those long overdue pictures :D
//it took me DAMN long to upload them, PLUS, i've included captions to make them more interesting, so you better appreciate it, haha!

this was the state of my table before the SA1s
yeah i know, its overdue

signatures by: (clockwise from left)

random pic involving teh bing and a spot of light

random pic

the pancake i made :D
*another proud smile
k fine i cut it.

drinking isn't a way to relieve stress :)
its a way to cope with your troubles

random pic, taken by derrick

<3 breezer

random pic

this 500 rupia is given a place in my blog for one reason
i'll tell you th story k
zhenghao was talking about getting his PSP, and we told him
'sell your bike lah'
'sell my bike i rather chop off my hand' (literal translation)
'then wait until how long then get PSP?'
'ahbo you give me $500 lor'
walk walk walk halfway we saw this lying on a pillar.
coincidence? a little too much.

my younger brother using a packet of wet tisue to cover his eyes.

random pic

i like this pic! my lil' cousin ruined the effect though.

random pic

weiting's birthday

check out the food!

debated whether or not to post this up, then decided yeah
he doesn't know me anyway.

group photo w/o me D:
but axel's head was blocked, so...
i took another one!
left to right
axel, brenna, weiting, irene, jingheng, junhao, dean, my bag :D

me & axel


aaah, shit. a maths was NOT easy at all.
in fact, it was difficult. i'll probably owe daniel jacob & junhao one chicken rice each ):
i didn't have time to do all the questions, so... i kinda skipped most of them
anyw, here are those long overdue pictures :D
//it took me DAMN long to upload them, so you better appreciate it, haha!

there's still a couple of shots missing from weiting's birthday, i think i'll grab all of em from axel >D
anyone with them pics drop me a line.
or to translate it for idiots,
TELL ME! and standby bluetooth.
thankyou! :D

i'm still nervous 'bout my SA1 results ):
& how's the chalet thing coming along?
truth be told, i'm quite nervous about it as well.
but yeah, i digress.
k, i'm going off now.
tcs :D

someone with brains and is HARDWORKING(that rules you out junhao :P)
please volunteer to be my study buddy for june :D
i need help with my various subjects
i'm even willing to pay! (with smiles and lame jokes LOL)

++ a maths <-killer
++ physics <-killer
+ chemistry <-average
+ social studies <-bore
+ e maths <-average

mother tounge gone case alr. the letters simply look like pictures, jumbled around and messed up.
< this is a random word.
absolutely no hint of a reference anywhere eh?
< and what the hell is this word?
no idea eh.
again, the words don't mean anything. its called random typing.

i really gotta go now.
i'll try coming up with more poems when i get inspired (:
just don't ask me to write about love, BG relationships or stuff like that cause i'll get really emo ._.
k, tcs.


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