Thursday, September 17, 2009

school escape

you know exactly how i feel. i know how exactly you feel.
i think we're getting to know each other a bit too well, hmm?

Teenage's finally here!
and along with it is yet, another poster of BOF.
what the heck man. 3 months of them already. can't they like, give some hot taiwanese babe's poster of something. lol

got locked in school today, but managed to escape by climbing over the school fence. to do the moment justice, i shall do a frame-by-frame account.

me, aravindas, weilun, amiruls' shazzani and hakim were in class having 'fun' with our pythagoras switch. after several failed attempts, we gave up and decided to go home. until we realised.. we were the last 5 people in the school. we crossed over to the main gates to find out that, to our eternal horror, they were locked. desperate, the five of us went to the indoor sports hall and climbed over the confined gate, where a light, physical and mental, shone at the far end. it wasn't until aravin was about to cross the gate when we realised what a weiner he was. he's afraid of heights. though he was afraid, the temptation of freedom and life was enough to overcome his fear, changing him into a real man. nothing eventful happened, and we got past the gate without incident.
though we had crossed the first hurdle, escape was by no means an easy option. barbed wired fences covered the perimeter of the entire field. the setting would not have looked out of place in a horror movie. no matter where we went, there was no way out. us five took a toilet break while gathering up what little we had left of our strength to batter our way past the final stage of our journey.
in a final do-or-die attempt, we rushed at the field gate, scaling it one at a time. the gate mentioned was high, and falling was more than likely to be fatal, but the lure of freedom was too powerful. each time one of us crossed over, i looked back, expecting to see the dismembered mug of some demented creature out for food. it wasn't until i was safely over the fence when i started breathing normally again.
the aforementioned light shone brighter than before, as though it was glad i had managed to survive this perilous ordeal. i turned my head towards the source of the light. freedom beckoned.

or, in summary form... school's main gate was locked when we finished out project, so we went over to the field and climbed over the field gate. aravin's a sissy who's afraid of heights. went to bus stop with weilun and spent my time in the bus visualising l4d scenes in the field.

lame eh. if you've read until here, let me praise you for being such a suckerhead good and loyal reader! lol!
maths test on circle properties tomorrow. sure die, i have to burn midnight oil again.

it's now the ideal revision time, 10:30 at night.
the peaceful silence, the serenity
nothing but my diamdiam 手机.
msg me damn itxz.
i'm super bored.
oh yeah, the pics!

part-time burglar tricks:

look around for any people in the vicinity

smile for the camera!

this is our pythagoras switch project:

London Bridge! (LB)
our project name~
the main part of the pythagoras switch. damn fast end sia. sad.

at chunyin's house area:

a lot more videos, msn me for em!
study time now~ cya!


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